

As explained in the protocol section, the model that implements the Wheel is an array of up to 256 positions which we will call variables. Each one has 16 bit value with interpretation varying according to the meaning.

1622Serial NoStringEvery item has 2 bytes of the S/N . High order byte = first cha
2325PIN Code
2626Version3 numericsHigh Order Byte = first version, high 4 bits of low order byte subversion low order 4 bits sub sub version
2727Error Code
2828Warning Code
3131Work Mode
3434Batery Levelnumeric positiveIs in %
3737Remaining Milieagenumeric positiveKm * 100
3838Current Speednumeric positiveKm/h * 1000
4142Total Mileagenumeric positivev[42] * 65536 + v[41] in meters
5051Total Runtimenumeric positivev[51] * 65536 + v[50] in seconds
5858Single Runtimenumeric positiveseconds
6262Temperaturenumeric positiveºC * 10
7171Voltagenumeric positiveV * 100
7474??Working to know what is. For the moment no idea
8080Currentnumeric with signif v[80] > 32768 I = v[80] - 65536 else I = v[80] in Amperes * 100
9797Pitch Anglenumeric with signif v[97] > 32768 pitch = v[97] - 65536 else pithc = v[97] in º * 100
9898Roll Anglenumeric with signif v[98] > 32768 roll = v[98] - 65536 else pitch = v[98] in º * 100
9999Pitch Angle Velocitynumeric with signif v[99] > 32768 vpitch = v[99] - 65536 else vpithch = v[99] in º * 100 / s but need to confirm
100100Roll Angle Velocitynumeric with signif v[100] > 32768 roll = v[100] - 65536 else vpitch = v[100] in º * 100 / s but need to confirm
115115Probably general speed limitnumeric positivem/h
116116Speed Limit (setteable)numeric positivem/h
178178Flagsbit 0 -> Limit Speed, bit 1 -> Lock , bit 2 -> Beep, bit 11 -> Activation. Bits from lower significance
182182Average speednumeric positivem/h
185185Single Mileagenumeric positivein meters
210210Ride Modenumeric positive
211211One Fun BoolNo Idea

Some variables are repeated from position 176

176176Error Code
177177Warning Code
179179Work Mode
180180Battery Level
181181Current Speed
183184Total Mileage
189189Roll Angle
190190Pitch Angle
191191Max Speed
218223Activation Related

Also 9BMetrics uses variable 0 to store the altitude variation from the iPhone altimeter if available.